Cliq – a case that uses NFC to add buttons to the back of a smartphone.

Cliq – a case that uses NFC to add buttons to the back of a smartphone

Our smartphone screens are getting bigger and bigger, and as a result, the "useless" space on the back of the device is also growing. As the need to squeeze maximum usability and functionality out of our phones continues to grow, more and more new solutions in this regard are being developed. Recently, extra buttons for smartphones have become popular, and now Cliq – a smartphone case that offers three extra buttons via NFC technology – has also been created.
Cliq Cases is a hardware UK startup that appeared on Kickstarter. The company aims to create touchscreen cases for Android phones. Clicq is a smartphone case that, through the use of technology NFC allows any use of three additional buttons located on the case, on the back of our phone.

How it works?

The basic version of Cliq is a case with three buttons on the back of the phone. This allows users to create any shortcuts they want, which are encoded using a special app. Distinguish between short and long presses. The buttons can perform almost any function we need – a shortcut to turn on the flashlight, a camera button, calling a person or sending a text message with a specific content. Cliq is also expected to cooperate with other solutions, working on the principle of IFTTT (If This, Then That).

Unfortunately, in order for the buttons to perform their function, the Cliq application must be running in the background all the time, or it is triggered when the button is pressed, which can delay the phone's response.